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Yoga for Anxiety

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Yoga for Anxiety

For anyone experiencing anxiety

Embodying strength support and safety through yoga and understanding of the nervous system


What is anxiety? Firstly, it isn't a weakness or because you are doing anything wrong. Anxiety is a normal physiological response to things going on the inside and outside of us. Our minds, bodies and nervous system are doing a great job at protecting us but sometimes we experience alerts or alarm bells in our bodies often persistently, that feel extremely uncomfortable. Fascinating fact, 80% of communication through our Vagus Nerve (we will explore this)  is from our bodies to our brains and 20% from our brain to our body. Exploring movement, the breath, sensations, upregulation and downregulation can help navigate feelings inside and wider life with deeper understanding .


 I will be sharing with you supportive practices, meditations and techniques from yoga and psychology worlds to help you navigate your own experience of anxiety. These sessions will be heart led from a research and science informed perspective. All Yoga for Anxiety session will be trauma sensitive.


If you you think you may be interested or this may help you, you are very welcome to send me an email or even giving me a call. it would be lovely to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.


"The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy."

Thigh Nhat Hanh



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